WordPress Updates

The WordPress team releases (security) updates on a regular basis. Not using the latest WordPress version will result in a big problem in the end. Burdy will update WordPress the minute a new version come out. The same goes for all the plugins your website is using.

It is important that your website stays up-to-date, so I will update WordPress and the plug-ins.

Update features for all clients

Automatic WordPress updates
Burdy will update the WordPress version of your website as soon as a stable version is available. Your website will always have the latest WordPress features, but more importantly, your website will have the latest security updates.
Automatic Plugin updates
Plugin updates are available every day. Burdy will update all your website plugins safely once available. Never worry about having an outdated, unsecure website again!

Free website migration

If you sign up with Burdy, he will migrate your website to our superfast and secure dedicated WordPress hosting platform. Totally free of charge. Sign up in 2 minutes!